The most valuable brands in Brazil in 2024

Itaú leads the ranking, and the Top 50 combined total US$ 82.801 billion

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Brazilian brands increased in value by 4% in 2024 – Reproduction of the Kantar report

Itaú leads, once again, the ranking of the most valuable brands in Brazil carried out by the consultancy Kantar. According to the survey KantarBrandZ, the financial institution has a brand value of US$ 7.4 billion. Itaú is followed by Brahma, Skol, Claro and Nubank in the group of the first five brands (see the list of the 10 most valuable brands below).

Brazil's top brands are worth US$ 82.80 billion

The 50 most valuable brands in Brazil in 2024 together reach US$ 82.801 billion, which represents an increase in value of 4% since the launch of the ranking (2020/2021). In its analysis, Kantar states that the performance is excellent in the face of contrary trends that challenge brands around the world. In the same period, the 100 most valuable brands in the world recorded a decline of 2.3% in value.

Kantar's methodology is based on brands' financial data, value research and brand reputation and consumer perception interviews. To prepare the ranking, Kantar heard 4.2 million consumers around the world, covering 21 thousand brands in 54 markets. In Brazil, 10,800 people were interviewed about 396 brands.

The 10 most valuable brands in Brazil in 2024

Banks are in greater number

With 11 brands, the financial sector is the one that appears most in the survey. The category, which is undergoing accelerated transformation due to technological developments, consumer changes and increased competition, accounts for 30% of the total value of the Top 50. Bank of Brazil, with US$ 1.6 billion, was the one that grew the most, climbing seven positions to 15th place. A Box also rose: from 26th to 22nd place. Companies in the financial sector tend to lead and/or be the most representative in number in brand value rankings.

Debut brands

Nine Brazilian brands made their debut in the ranking, an entry starred by Locate. The mobility company, which became well known for its vehicle rental services, came in eighth place, valued at US$ 3.510 billion. SulAmérica, Unidas, Rede, Movida, Havaianas, Leão, PagBank and C6 Bank also joined the survey.


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