
Reputation in conversations with leaders and reference voices

8 MIN.

Docile, a family recipe that conquers the world

The Paris Olympics is the next stop for the candy and sweets company created by brothers Ricardo, Fernando and Alexandre Heineck, in Lajeado (RS), already present in more than 80 countries

Christianne Schmitt

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Docile, uma receita familiar que ganha o mundo


“Reputação é um dos elementos mais importantes, se não o mais importante, na matriz de risco das empresas
14 MIN.

“Reputation is one of the most important elements, if not the most important, in a company’s risk matrix”

Andiara Petterle, management advisor specializing in digital transformation and governance, points out spaces for evolution in management and the board to face global challenges, reputational risks and strengthen company value

Christianne Schmitt

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John Elkington: líder corporativo tem papel político a desempenhar pelas agendas de sustentabilidade e de ESG
6 MIN.

John Elkington: corporate leader has a political role to play for sustainability and ESG agendas

In an interview with Reputation Feed, creator of the sustainability tripod suggests measures to address the impact of climate change on business and the world

Christianne Schmitt

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ESG é uma exigência dos investidores, pois reduz riscos e indica reputação positiva
7 MIN.

ESG is a requirement for investors, as it reduces risks and indicates a positive reputation

Vice-president of Firjan CIRJ Marco Saltini, coordinator of the working group on the topic, highlights climate, diversity and inclusion as current priorities

Clovis Malta

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Empresas comprometidas devem acelerar combate à crise climática
11 MIN.

Committed companies must accelerate the fight against the climate crisis

Climate scientist Carlos Nobre talks about floods in RS, defends neo-industrialization and says that Brazil can lead the biodiversity economy

Clovis Malta

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4 MIN.
Vídeo: Intuição e disciplina dosam escrita de autobiografia
Video: Intuition and discipline combine autobiographical writing
Nelson Sirotsky, publisher of Grupo RBS, a company in which he is a partner and where he was president for over 20 years, recounts the experience of writing the book the eighth day

Clovis Malta

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