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Reputation on the C-level agenda by Anik Suzuki

Anik Suzuki

Anik Suzuki

Reputation on the C-level agenda

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A space to value those who lead and inspire

ANK launches Reputation Feed, a content platform created to encourage a culture of reputation in Brazil

By Anik Suzuki
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Um espaço para valorizar quem lidera e inspira


Por que não recomendo estratégias “bélicas” na gestão de crise
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Why I don’t recommend “warlike” strategies in crisis management

Warnings about the impacts of this path for facing crises and defending companies

Anik Suzuki

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Pense bem antes de se posicionar para não cair nos interesses do jogo eleitoral
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Think carefully before taking a position so as not to fall into the interests of the electoral game

Companies and leaders have more to lose when they risk their reputation with heated demonstrations; the recommendation is to evaluate whether it is really worth it

By Anik Suzuki

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Em 2024, o nome do jogo será confiança
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In 2024, the name of the game will be trust

We need to ensure ways to offer protection, strength and power to companies, whatever the adversities of the scenario.

By Anik Suzuki

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Como uma chuva de granizo pode inspirar a sua vida?
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How can a hailstorm inspire your life?

The fall in the career can happen much faster than the rise. The challenge is to stay on top.

By Anik Suzuki
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