Our values

Our values are the basis of ANK's culture, they guide attitudes and behaviors among us, they reflect our commitments to all the audiences with which we interact and define the way we act in society.

We create environment training and growth for EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE.

  • We thirst to learn and we develop each other
  • We are connected with the world and accumulate knowledge through multiple channels
  • We see every day as an opportunity for protagonism and learning
  • We are strong because we are united, we care for each other and we respect each other
  • We train successors and evolve at ANK

We are COMMITTED to success and leadership of the customer.

  • We take the customer to a new level of relevance
  • The client's objectives guide our work
  • We serve with care and in the highest standards of excellence
  • We build relationships of trust and loyalty forever

We believe that HIGH PERFORMANCE takes us further.

  • We dream big and set challenging goals
  • We exceed expectations and deliver above average results
  • We change and adapt quickly and naturally
  • We are engaged with our challenges

We are AGENTS OF CHANGE that we aim for the world.

  • We act aware of our responsibility to inspire and guide people and companies
  • We use our knowledge and ability to perform to generate positive social impact
  • We partner and act voluntarily in causes where we can make a difference
  • We act ethically and do what is right at all times