corporate reputation

  • Who we are
  • Leonardo Linden: “Reputation is not an option, it is an operating license”
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025

corporate reputation

Leonardo Linden: “Reputação não é opção, é uma licença de operação”
9 MIN.

Leonardo Linden: “Reputation is not an option, it is an operating license”

President of Ipiranga, one of the country's main fuel distributors, says that risk monitoring is constant

Christianne Schmitt

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Ivan Monteiro: “A reputação aumenta ou diminui a competitividade da sua empresa”
11 MIN.

Ivan Monteiro: “Reputation increases or decreases the competitiveness of your company”

President of Eletrobras says that reputation is not linked to a CPF, but to all company employees, without exception

Christianne Schmitt

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Reputação, para o consumidor, é confiabilidade
6 MIN.

Reputation, for the consumer, is reliability

What customers least tolerate when faced with a problem is realizing that the company seems distant, says co-founder and CEO of Reclame Aqui

Clovis Malta

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Starbucks troca de CEO para enfrentar crise da marca
3 MIN.

Starbucks changes CEO to tackle brand crisis

Shares of the coffee chain rise almost 25% with the announcement of Brian Niccol, until then head of Chipotole, to lead the company

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As 10 empresas mais inovadoras do Brasil em 2024
curated by ANK
1 MIN.

The 10 most innovative companies in Brazil in 2024

Albert Einstein Hospital wins award given by the newspaper Valor Econômico

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“Reputação é um ativo fundamental para a saúde do negócio”
9 MIN.

“Reputation is a fundamental asset for the health of the business”

César Bochi, CEO of Banco Cooperativo Sicredi, explains why reputation and culture management are strategic for the institution

Christianne Schmitt

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Tem reputação no seu planner?
3 MIN.

Do you have a reputation for your planner?

A leader who understands his role in the company's strategy and growth lends it reputation, says ANK consultant in an article for a communication website

By Mariana Mondini

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As empresas, seus líderes e as eleições 2024
5 MIN.

Companies, their leaders and the 2024 elections

ANK guidelines for image and reputation risk management in the electoral context

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Qual será sua reputação na era da Inteligência Artificial?
4 MIN.

What will your reputation be in the age of Artificial Intelligence?

Pros and cons of new technology affect us all and how regulation can make it beneficial in Brazil

By Carol Conway

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“Reputação é um dos elementos mais importantes, se não o mais importante, na matriz de risco das empresas
14 MIN.

“Reputation is one of the most important elements, if not the most important, in a company’s risk matrix”

Andiara Petterle, management advisor specializing in digital transformation and governance, points out spaces for evolution in management and the board to face global challenges, reputational risks and strengthen company value

Christianne Schmitt

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John Elkington: líder corporativo tem papel político a desempenhar pelas agendas de sustentabilidade e de ESG
6 MIN.

John Elkington: corporate leader has a political role to play for sustainability and ESG agendas

In an interview with Reputation Feed, creator of the sustainability tripod suggests measures to address the impact of climate change on business and the world

Christianne Schmitt

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Natura, 10 anos seguidos no topo do ranking de reputação corporativa
curated by ANK
1 MIN.

Natura, 10 years in a row at the top of the corporate reputation ranking

Survey by a Spanish research company highlights 100 companies in Brazil

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As marcas mais valiosas do Brasil em 2024
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

The most valuable brands in Brazil in 2024

Itaú leads the ranking, and the Top 50 combined total US$ 82.801 billion

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7 questões de sustentabilidade para prestar atenção em 2024
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

7 sustainability issues to pay attention to in 2024

Andrew Winston, co-author of the book Net Positive, projects a challenging scenario, but with the possibility of improvements, in an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review

Reputation Feed Writing

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Confiança rentabiliza e gera fidelização à marca
2 MIN.

Trust makes money and generates brand loyalty

Three questions for Nailê Rocha, general manager of Shopping Iguatemi Porto Alegre

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Reputação, estratégia e ações de uma marca devem ser percebidas todo o tempo
3 MIN.

A brand’s reputation, strategy and actions must be perceived at all times

Luciana Iodice, CMO of Privalia Brasil, answers three questions about trust

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Reputação se constrói através da relação de confiança com os públicos
3 MIN.

Reputation is built through relationships of trust with audiences

Three questions about trust for Cris Duclos, executive director of Marketing and Experience at Sicredi

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Fórum Econômico Mundial escolhe confiança como tema em 2024
3 MIN.

World Economic Forum chooses trust as theme in 2024

Davos meeting aims to reinforce principles of transparency, awareness and accountability among global leaders

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Fake news e desinformação, tema que mais preocupa os líderes globais
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

Fake news and disinformation, a topic that most concerns global leaders

World Economic Forum Risk Report highlights main short- and long-term threats

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Inovação, reputação e desenvolvimento empresarial
3 MIN.

Innovation, reputation and business development

Challenges impose urgency in the creation of processes and technologies to guarantee actions with a positive impact on society

By Jorge Audiy

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Osvaldo Schirmer: reputação se constrói com todos os stakeholders
7 MIN.

Osvaldo Schirmer: reputation is built with all stakeholders

Own and protected culture guarantees credibility for companies, says advisor who ends special series

Clovis Malta

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Dan Ioschpe: Velocidade e complexidade impõem mais cuidado com reputação
9 MIN.

Dan Ioschpe: Speed and complexity require more care with reputation

In the second interview of the series with management advisors, a look at how to contribute and ensure reputation in organizations

Christianne Schmitt and Clovis Malta

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Quais são as melhores empresas para trabalhar no Brasil?
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

What are the best companies to work for in Brazil?

GPTW survey with employees establishes, in 2023, Itaú Unibanco, Novo Nordisk, BHS and e-Core with reputational recognition

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Ataques cibernéticos causam danos reputacionais imensuráveis
4 MIN.

Cyberattacks cause immeasurable reputational damage

Head of Security Services at IBM Consulting in AL warns of lack of awareness regarding the financial cost of damaging reputation

Christianne Schmitt

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Clovis Tramontina: “Reputação se mantém com presença”
9 MIN.

Clovis Tramontina: “Reputation is maintained with presence”

Businessman says that organizations must invest even in bad times to take advantage of opportunities and strengthen the brand

Christianne Schmitt

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Vídeo: Conexão do resultado com o humano é referencial de reputação corporativa
3 MIN.

Video: Connection of the result with the human is a benchmark of corporate reputation

Rachel Maia, representative of the UN Global Compact in Brazil, says that advancing in ESG requires purpose in transformation

Nuria Saldanha
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