There is a positive relationship between performance in ESG and the presence of women in the board of directors of companies in Brazil, points out a study by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). Conducted by specialists Monique Cardoso, Master in Management for Competitiveness – Sustainability Line FGV/Eaesp, and Gustavo Andrey de Almeida Lopes Fernandes, from the Department of Public Management FGV/Eaesp, the work started with the question: Would women be more sensitive to environmental issues, social and governance?
The survey results show how gender focus can improve the socio-environmental impact of companies in Brazil. And at the same time, how important it is to include gender indicators in the ESG analysis. This conclusion is similar to research carried out internationally, demonstrating that gender diversity is reflected in superior socio-environmental performance in organizations.
In Brazil, women occupy, on average, 11.5% of seats on boards of directors of publicly traded companies. It is a lower percentage than the world average of 20.6%. These percentages help to understand how the presence of women in leadership can benefit companies' ESG results. Therefore, the survey released in 2022 suggests that there is a proposal on the part of companies, taking into account the diversity in senior management and/or the objective number of women, both in the board of directors and on the board.
• Click here to access the survey