4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025
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Crises de reputação estão mais frequentes, diz CEO da ANK Reputation
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

Reputation crises are more frequent, says CEO of ANK Reputation

Anik Suzuki comments in an interview on the priority fronts of leaders for 2025 identified in a survey

Reputation Feed Writing

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Leonardo Linden: “Reputação não é opção, é uma licença de operação”
9 MIN.

Leonardo Linden: “Reputation is not an option, it is an operating license”

President of Ipiranga, one of the country's main fuel distributors, says that risk monitoring is constant

Christianne Schmitt

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Miguel Setas: “Reputação, antes de ser um risco, é um ativo”
11 MIN.

Miguel Setas: “Reputation, before being a risk, is an asset”

President of the mobility infrastructure giant, which impacts 100 million people per year, considers reputation an important topic on the agenda of the company's entire value chain

Christianne Schmitt

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Crises de reputação estão mais frequentes, diz CEO da ANK Reputation
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

Reputation crises are more frequent, says CEO of ANK Reputation

Anik Suzuki comments in an interview on the priority fronts of leaders for 2025 identified in a survey

Reputation Feed Writing

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Leonardo Linden: “Reputação não é opção, é uma licença de operação”
9 MIN.

Leonardo Linden: “Reputation is not an option, it is an operating license”

President of Ipiranga, one of the country's main fuel distributors, says that risk monitoring is constant

Christianne Schmitt

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Miguel Setas: “Reputação, antes de ser um risco, é um ativo”
11 MIN.

Miguel Setas: “Reputation, before being a risk, is an asset”

President of the mobility infrastructure giant, which impacts 100 million people per year, considers reputation an important topic on the agenda of the company's entire value chain

Christianne Schmitt

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Who are you on social media?
reputation oriented
to results

We build, preserve and boost reputations, so that companies, institutions and leaders earn the trust, respect and admiration of their stakeholders.


A força dos valores para a perenidade de uma empresa, na visão de Jorge Gerdau
6 MIN.

The power of values for the sustainability of a company, in the view of Jorge Gerdau

Businessman discusses his search for excellence in an inspiring book for those who are leaders or want to become leaders

Clovis Malta

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CEIBS, de Xangai, tem melhor MBA Executivo do mundo em 2024
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Shanghai’s CEIBS has the world’s best Executive MBA in 2024

Financial Times ranking of 100 names does not include any business schools from Brazil, but the program that appears in 13th place is also offered in the country

Reputation Feed Writing

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Crise climática no RS
4 MIN.

Climate crisis in RS

A set of recommendations from ANK Reputation helps companies and leaders to guide internal teams, as well as their institutional positioning, during the moment of crisis that the State is experiencing. read more
Comunicação é chave para marca empregadora
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Communication is key to employer branding

Relationships with employees impact companies’ reputation

Reputation Feed Writing

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3 frentes para melhorar o ambiente digital
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

3 fronts to improve the digital environment

One of the world's most renowned data scientists suggests measures to make the Internet safer and less risky

Reputation Feed Writing

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O que ler para se atualizar sobre nosso tempo
curated by ANK
4 MIN.

What to read to stay up to date with our times

Five book tips to help you enter 2025 understanding the transformations

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEIBS, de Xangai, tem melhor MBA Executivo do mundo em 2024
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Shanghai’s CEIBS has the world’s best Executive MBA in 2024

Financial Times ranking of 100 names does not include any business schools from Brazil, but the program that appears in 13th place is also offered in the country

Reputation Feed Writing

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Crise climática no RS
4 MIN.

Climate crisis in RS

A set of recommendations from ANK Reputation helps companies and leaders to guide internal teams, as well as their institutional positioning, during the moment of crisis that the State is experiencing. read more
Comunicação é chave para marca empregadora
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Communication is key to employer branding

Relationships with employees impact companies’ reputation

Reputation Feed Writing

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3 frentes para melhorar o ambiente digital
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

3 fronts to improve the digital environment

One of the world's most renowned data scientists suggests measures to make the Internet safer and less risky

Reputation Feed Writing

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O que ler para se atualizar sobre nosso tempo
curated by ANK
4 MIN.

What to read to stay up to date with our times

Five book tips to help you enter 2025 understanding the transformations

Reputation Feed Writing

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Campanha da ANK traz a confiança como ativo estratégico para as empresas
4 MIN.

ANK campaign brings trust as a strategic asset for companies

Message starts from reflection on the relationship between trust and value generation to face challenges

Mariana Mondini

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Vídeo: A crise dos bancos e o impacto na credibilidade
2 MIN.

Video: The banking crisis and the impact on credibility

“You can't go wrong with the subject of reputation”, says economist and business adviser Aod Cunha

Christianne Schmitt

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Vídeo: Intuição e disciplina dosam escrita de autobiografia
4 MIN.

Video: Intuition and discipline combine autobiographical writing

Nelson Sirotsky, publisher of Grupo RBS, a company in which he is a partner and where he was president for over 20 years, recounts the experience of writing the book the eighth day

Clovis Malta

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“Reputation is a journey in search of merit”  
Anik Suzuki,
Founder and CEO of ANK Reputation

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“Reputation reminds me of confidence and perseverance in being consistent with the values what we believe.”
Alessandro Carlucci,
businessman, chairman of the board of directors of BSR (Business for Social Responsibility)

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"To the two most important things do not appear on a company's balance sheet: your reputation and your people.”
Henry Ford,
Founder of the Ford Motor Company

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“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about it, you'll do things different way.”
Warren Buffett,
Executive Director of Berkshire Hathaway

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