
  • Who we are
  • Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025


Reputação, o ativo invisível que faz toda a diferença
3 MIN.

Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference

A solid reputation that generates admiration and brings long-term results is essential in challenging years

By Thiago Coelho

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Pessoas, tecnologia e reputação na estratégia dos negócios
3 MIN.

People, technology and reputation in business strategy

Companies and leaders that anticipate trends and act strategically have a competitive advantage

By Telmo Costa

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Natura é a primeira, mais uma vez, em ranking de reputação
curated by ANK
1 MIN.

Natura is first, once again, in reputation ranking

Mercado Livre and Ambev are in second and third place, respectively, in the survey

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Crises de reputação estão mais frequentes, diz CEO da ANK Reputation
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

Reputation crises are more frequent, says CEO of ANK Reputation

Anik Suzuki comments in an interview on the priority fronts of leaders for 2025 identified in a survey

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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IA que pode reforçar a credibilidade é tema em Davos
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

AI that can boost credibility is the topic at Davos

Transparency, ethics and responsibility are factors as important as technological innovation, say representatives of the World Economic Forum

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A força dos valores para a perenidade de uma empresa, na visão de Jorge Gerdau
6 MIN.

The power of values for the sustainability of a company, in the view of Jorge Gerdau

Businessman discusses his search for excellence in an inspiring book for those who are leaders or want to become leaders

Clovis Malta

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ArcelorMittal é a Empresa do Ano, segundo anuário
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

ArcelorMittal is the Company of the Year, according to the yearbook

Época Negócios 360º also chose the best in 24 sectors

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Miguel Setas: “Reputação, antes de ser um risco, é um ativo”
11 MIN.

Miguel Setas: “Reputation, before being a risk, is an asset”

President of the mobility infrastructure giant, which impacts 100 million people per year, considers reputation an important topic on the agenda of the company's entire value chain

Christianne Schmitt

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Emily faz bem para Paris
3 MIN.

Emily is good for Paris

Change of setting of famous streaming series, considered positive for the image and reputation of the City of Lights, causes dispute between European authorities

By Mariana Mondini

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Reputação da Dell é a reputação pessoal do fundador, diz presidente da empresa no Brasil
3 MIN.

Dell's reputation is the founder's personal reputation, says company president in Brazil

Diego Puerta states that the brand image is based on the relationship with customers and the quality and consistency of delivery

Christianne Schmitt

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Brasil lidera na lista das pessoas mais influentes da América Latina em 2024
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Brazil leads the list of most influential people in Latin America in 2024

Bloomberg Linea highlights 500 personalities who make an impact with their work and performance in the region

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Ivan Monteiro: “A reputação aumenta ou diminui a competitividade da sua empresa”
11 MIN.

Ivan Monteiro: “Reputation increases or decreases the competitiveness of your company”

President of Eletrobras says that reputation is not linked to a CPF, but to all company employees, without exception

Christianne Schmitt

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Reputação, para o consumidor, é confiabilidade
6 MIN.

Reputation, for the consumer, is reliability

What customers least tolerate when faced with a problem is realizing that the company seems distant, says co-founder and CEO of Reclame Aqui

Clovis Malta

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Silvio Santos, a arte da comunicação e o legado de um visionário
6 MIN.

Silvio Santos, the art of communication and the legacy of a visionary

Due to his charisma, empathy and innovative ideas, executed with passion, work and dedication, the businessman was always ahead of his time.

Clovis Malta

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Hora de abrir o guarda-chuva reputacional para mitigar problemas
3 MIN.

Time to open the reputational umbrella to mitigate problems

Burberry faces poor results, fires CEO and brand value falls

By Christianne Schmitt

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Docile, uma receita familiar que ganha o mundo
8 MIN.

Docile, a family recipe that conquers the world

The Paris Olympics is the next stop for the candy and sweets company created by brothers Ricardo, Fernando and Alexandre Heineck, in Lajeado (RS), already present in more than 80 countries

Christianne Schmitt

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Pesquisa aponta riscos da disseminação da desinformação
2 MIN.

Research highlights risks of spreading misinformation

Affecting people's reputation is among the greatest dangers of false and incorrect information, according to a survey by Instituto Locomotiva

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Abilio Diniz, um legado que transcende os negócios
5 MIN.

Abilio Diniz, a legacy that transcends business

Businessman, with a trajectory marked by resilience, inspired generations of entrepreneurs in Brazil

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45 brasileiros estão na lista das 100 pessoas inovadoras da América Latina
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

45 Brazilians are on the list of 100 innovative people in Latin America

List prepared by Bloomberg Línea includes names such as Roberto Campos Neto (BC), Harry Schmelzer Jr (Weg) and Daniel Randon (Randoncorp)

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Indústria reforça o foco em ecoinovação
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Industry reinforces focus on eco-innovation

Almost half already have projects or formal action plans in this area, following the global trend

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José Monforte: Stakeholders exigem reputação para serem leais às empresas
9 MIN.

José Monforte: Stakeholders require reputation to be loyal to companies

Series of interviews brings the perspectives of management counselors on the importance of reputational culture in organizations

Christianne Schmitt

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“Reputação você constrói fazendo, mas também falando
6 MIN.

“You build a reputation by doing, but also by talking”

Grazielle Parenti, VP of Sustainability at Syngenta, highlights the power of communication to enhance positive perception and promote engagement

Christianne Schmitt

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“Transportamos diversidade. Temos que ter a diversidade representada”
5 MIN.

“We carry diversity. We have to have diversity represented.”

Jean Carlo Nogueira, executive director of People and Culture at Gol, talks about integration between generations, preparation of teams and leaders, purpose and impact on reputation

Mariana Mondini
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A nova abordagem dos conselhos de administração sobre o impacto da reputação
2 MIN.

Boards' New Approach to Reputation Impact

Strategic forums begin to address the issue in a more explicit and systematic way

By Andiara Petterle
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Como o estilo de decisão pode se refletir na reputação do líder
5 MIN.

How the decision style can be reflected in the reputation of the leader

Discover among 5 profiles – adventurer, detective, listener, thinker and visionary – which one is closest to yours

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Versatilidade, a metacompetência mais exigida de líderes corporativos
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

Versatility, the most demanded meta-competence of corporate leaders

Conclusion is from a study published by researchers in the Harvard Business Review, at Harvard University

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Consumidor busca marcas com propósito e suas extensões em experiências, diz CEO da Track&Field
10 MIN.

Consumer seeks brands with purpose and their extensions in experiences, says CEO of Track&Field

Co-founder of the sports fashion company, Fred Wagner takes a look at the new times and the relationship with customers

Christianne Schmitt and Lucia Ritzel
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Transparência e conexões com o mercado: o grande desafio para fortalecer a reputação no Ensino Superior
3 MIN.

Transparency and connections with the market: the great challenge to strengthen the reputation in Higher Education

Student employability is also influenced by the credibility of institutions

By Eduardo Capellari
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Marcas com alma resistem mais facilmente a crises, diz Galló
6 MIN.

Brands with a soul resist crises more easily, says Galló

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lojas Renner talks about the impact on business and society of using algorithms to spread fallacy and misinformation

Christianne Schmitt
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Sustentabilidade tem de fazer parte da estratégia para garantir perenidade, diz consultora Sonia Consiglio
5 MIN.

Sustainability has to be part of the strategy to ensure continuity, says consultant Sonia Consiglio

The author and specialist working in the Global Compact and B3 sees a transformation of the model, which needs to integrate ESG and economic-financial aspects

Clovis Malta
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Reputação, o compliance como caminho
3 MIN.

Reputation, compliance as a path

Overcoming the “doing the right thing” paradigm helps build a model aligned with risk control

By Alexandre Wunderlich
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Quem lidera no Brasil em força de marca
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Who leads in Brazil in brand strength

Interbrand's ranking takes into account its own methodology and attributes such as ethical coherence and trust

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Vídeo: A crise dos bancos e o impacto na credibilidade
2 MIN.

Video: The banking crisis and the impact on credibility

“You can't go wrong with the subject of reputation”, says economist and business adviser Aod Cunha

Christianne Schmitt

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Rogério Melzi: “Precisamos trabalhar a reputação nos anos de bonança”
7 MIN.

Rogério Melzi: “We need to work on reputation in good years”

Advisor and manager of companies in fundamental areas, such as education and health, talks about the perspectives in an adverse economic scenario and in a moment of polarization

Christianne Schmitt and Lucia Ritzel
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Reputação nos leva a um lugar com menos distorções
2 MIN.

Reputation takes us to a place with less distortion

Living in society and with a good image is a challenge in times of social media

By Michel Z. Gralha

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Luiza Trajano:
7 MIN.

Luiza Trajano: “Regarding reputation, I never saw risk, I saw prices to pay”

The president of the Board of Directors of Magazine Luiza talks about the prospects for Brazil and the role of reputation in boosting business

Anik Suzuki, Christianne Schmitt and Lucia Ritzel
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Quem mais ganha reconhecimento com inovação
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Who wins the most recognition with innovation

Fast Company ranking sees less and less difference between tech companies and the rest

Clovis Malta
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Alexandre Silva:
9 MIN.

Alexandre Silva: “You don't buy reputation or build it overnight. You have to earn it”

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Embraer talks about the importance of reputation for companies and their stakeholders

Lucia Ritzel

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Pedro Parente: Reputação impacta em tudo o que é relevante para a empresa
9 MIN.

Pedro Parente: Reputation impacts everything that is relevant to the company

Manager of large companies and former minister opens series of interviews about prospects for Brazil and the role of reputation in boosting companies and the economy

Anik Suzuki, Christianne Schmitt and Lucia Ritzel

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O papel do líder na reputação da empresa
3 MIN.

The role of the leader in the company's reputation

Managers must instil confidence to preserve the reputation of the company and leaders

By Lorival Luz
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Inteligência Artificial cria alertas para a reputação de empresas e líderes
3 MIN.

Artificial Intelligence creates alerts for the reputation of companies and leaders

ChatGPT provokes reflection on the limits of its use and the risks for companies and their leaders

By Renata Afonso
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Reputação se constrói ao longo de gerações
3 MIN.

Reputation builds over generations

The challenge is to invest in good relationships with stakeholders, balancing return, risk and impact

By Bea Johannpeter
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Por que reputação é estratégica em momentos difíceis
5 MIN.

Why reputation is strategic in tough times

Crises are part of the trajectory of companies, but those with a strong reputation survive and grow

Lucia Ritzel
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Novas habilidades contribuem para jornada de reputação
3 MIN.

New skills contribute to reputation journey

Being a leader means managing situations that require a position on issues on society's agenda.

Mariana Mondini

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Potencialize a reputação nas redes sem cair em armadilha
3 MIN.

Boost reputation on networks without falling into a trap

Greater exposure brought risks, but the idea of being left out does not fit in a world in which everyone has a virtual life and personality

Mariana Azevedo
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Vídeo: Intuição e disciplina dosam escrita de autobiografia
4 MIN.

Video: Intuition and discipline combine autobiographical writing

Nelson Sirotsky, publisher of Grupo RBS, a company in which he is a partner and where he was president for over 20 years, recounts the experience of writing the book the eighth day

Clovis Malta

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5 ações de ESG para conselhos de administração
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

5 ESG actions for boards of directors

World Economic Forum article discusses how the board can ensure the acronym is included in everything the organization does

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Um espaço para valorizar quem lidera e inspira
One to One
2 MIN.

A space to value those who lead and inspire

ANK launches Reputation Feed, a content platform created to encourage a culture of reputation in Brazil

By Anik Suzuki
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Frio na barriga, brilho nos olhos e a alegria de contar histórias de reputação
2 MIN.

Butterflies in your stomach, twinkle in your eyes and the joy of telling reputation stories

Reputation Feed content platform encourages reputation culture in the country

By Christianne Schmitt
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A contribuição do leitor
One to One
2 MIN.

The reader's contribution

Just like journalists and the media, we, consumers of information, have a fundamental role in strengthening professional journalism.

By Anik Suzuki
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Como uma chuva de granizo pode inspirar a sua vida?
One to One
3 MIN.

How can a hailstorm inspire your life?

The fall in the career can happen much faster than the rise. The challenge is to stay on top.

By Anik Suzuki
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Sobre fake news e haters
One to One
2 MIN.

About fake news and haters

Orchestrated, sprawling attacks have their strength in volume; that's why you need to have your own channels organized

By Anik Suzuki
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Toda crise um dia já foi um risco
One to One
2 MIN.

Every crisis was once a risk

Managing risk requires expertise, investment and training

By Anik Suzuki
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5 aprendizados sobre reputação
One to One
3 MIN.

5 learnings about reputation

Self-knowledge, clear personal goals and planning are the first steps on this journey

By Anik Suzuki
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