Corporate governance

  • Who we are
  • Starbucks changes CEO to tackle brand crisis
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo

Corporate governance

Starbucks troca de CEO para enfrentar crise da marca
3 MIN.

Starbucks changes CEO to tackle brand crisis

Shares of the coffee chain rise almost 25% with the announcement of Brian Niccol, until then head of Chipotole, to lead the company

Reputation Feed Writing

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Antes do IPO, é preciso trilhar a jornada de reputação
7 MIN.

Before the IPO, you need to go through the reputation journey

Managing reputation is an additional advantage for companies entering the stock exchange, like Locaweb, in 2020

Reputation Feed Writing

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Qual deve ser o foco do board para melhorar a governança?
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

What should the board focus on to improve governance?

Seven important points for boards to focus on

Reputation Feed Writing

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Desafios dos líderes corporativos pelo olhar de Vicky Bloch
9 MIN.

Challenges of corporate leaders through the eyes of Vicky Bloch

Reputation isn't inherited, it's an accumulation of things you do in life, built on integrity, says CEO coach

Christianne Schmitt
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