Keeping alive what Gol's diversity manifesto advocates – “With a Brazilian, multicultural, creative DNA that values differences” – is the agenda of the executive director of People and Culture, Jean Carlo Nogueira.
With 22 years of experience in the company, Jean defends and supports important social causes, in line with the culture that contributes to the company's reputation. Among them, the Experience in Bagage project stands out, which makes room for professionals 50+ or retired to be part of the staff: 13% of the 14,000 employees are currently in this age group.
O Reputation Feed spoke with Jean to find out how Goal manages the generational encounter in the corporate environment, the challenges and the impact of this integration on the organization's culture, on the perception of customers, on the company's reputation and on the airline's results. He highlights the initiative created in 2017, which provides a new conception for generational coexistence with the opening of vacancies for older professionals, preparing leaders for the new times and projects that unite strategy and social need.
“Gol's purpose is to 'be the first for everyone'. All are the 14,000 employees, the 30 million passengers and the shareholders and investors who are with us. It is a very deep and powerful purpose. Reputation is only gained with this type of zoom,” he says.
Below are key excerpts from the interview.:
How have you been following the issue of meeting generations in companies?
People have an increasingly high life expectancy. They are aging more actively. The 50+ generation has shown itself to be more active and wants to remain connected to the job market. We live in a country where people are not in the habit of preparing for retirement. So, it is common for them to remain active, which also ends up causing a meeting of generations.
And what solution did Gol create to meet this demand?
We have a demand for a very specific profile to work at airports. In 2017, we set out to do a test. Instead of going after younger people, we decided to open the selection to an audience of 50+ or retirees. So we created Experience in Baggage, because we understood that this generational mix was important for balance. The young man has a mood faster and, sometimes, slips into eye to eye with the customer. Older people tend to be more empathetic and try to solve the problem. First, we open up to the inside of the house, to parents and grandparents of employees; the only rule is that it could not have subordination. I was positively surprised. We carry 30 million passengers every year. We transport diversity. So, we have to have diversity represented in the company. Today, 13% of our staff has employees over the age of 50.
And how is the relationship between people from different generations within Gol?
It worked out very well. There is a lot of respect and the “glue” of learning. Young people have something to learn. It is an exchange, there is no clash of generations. The youth is the apprentice. And the most mature professional has the experience.
“The 50+ generation is wanting to stay connected to the job market.”
How to make this meeting of generations in order to guarantee the sustainability of the business and the reputation of the companies?
Gol has the purpose of “being the first for everyone”. All are the 14,000 employees, the 30 million passengers and the shareholders and investors who are with us. It is a very deep and powerful purpose. Reputation only gains with this type of zoom. We are not afraid to be bold and experiment in these matters. We have traces of a popular journey, of being a Brazilian company that supports and deals with important social causes. In projects like this, we have the insight to unite the company's strategy with a social need.
“Culture is the basis of business and needs to respond to new times, it is the most powerful asset of organizations to direct these points (of generational impact).”
How are the leaders of Generation X seen by Z?
This is a topic that must be highly connected with culture. Culture is the basis of the business and needs to respond to new times. Our leadership has been prepared in this direction. When we recruit from outside, we also look at this. Culture is the most powerful asset of organizations to direct these points. 10 years ago this could have been a problem. But now it's not anymore.
How to retain generation Z, which is increasingly unstable in the cycle of permanence in companies?
From the open window to the challenge. Here, at Gol, the challenge is continuous. We know that Generation Z is not guided by money, but by purpose. Working in aviation is a way of life. In other words, working at Gol is an opportunity to experience a transformation. The only certainty is that what we planned for today will not be implemented, as we are in a very volatile segment, which changes all the time and requires permanent adaptation and, above all, creativity.
“We have to move the team in search of results that are not only sustainable, but extraordinary. For all of this, we need high-performance teams and, above all, people with purposes connected to the company's. Right people in the right places, guided by what makes them happy.”
What is the challenge for senior leaders in this scenario?
I say that we are now living in a post-war world. The pandemic had a very big impact on business. In ours, it was almost destructive. We went from 900 daily flights to 50 during the pandemic. We spent almost three years in an ICU. At Gol, once a year, we launch our focus for the next 12 months. This year, one of them talks about the evolution of the culture practiced at all levels. We are no longer the same since 2019. We need new behaviors. And we have the method and discipline to deploy this to 14,000 employees. Another pillar is transformative leadership, which engages and directs. We have to be able to change the meaning according to the changes. Change the route quickly. And we have to move the team in search of results that are not only sustainable, but extraordinary. For all of this, we need high-performance teams and, above all, people with purposes connected to the company's. Right people in the right places, guided by what makes them happy. That's the beauty of it. And leadership needs to have this mastery.
Mariana Mondini is a journalist and consultant for ANK Reputation