Considered an employer brand seal, the ranking of the best companies to work for in Brazil prepared by Great Place to Work (GPTW) has as major champions Itaú Unibanco, New Nordisk, BHS and e-Core, the first placed in their categories. In total, 150 companies were recognized in 2023, according to the categories below.
10 thousand or more employees
1 thousand to 9,999 employees
National averages (100 to 999 employees)
Multinational averages (100 to 999 employees)
Number companies
This year, more than 5 thousand organizations were registered, representing almost 3 thousand employees. The GPTW research consists of two stages, which will result in the final grade. First, the company must reach the minimum sample of employees and obtain a score equal to or greater than 70%. In the second phase, the company's practices are qualitatively evaluated. The GPTW methodology proposes that a culture of trust, effective leadership, aligned purpose and values create a conducive environment for each person to develop their best, essential elements in the journey of building corporate reputation.
The top five, by category:
Companies with more than 10 thousand employees
1 Itaú Unibanco
2 Accenture do Brasil
3 Gazin
4 Sicredi
5 Magazine Luiza
Companies with 1,000 to 9,999 employees
1 Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Production
2 SAP Labs Latin America
3 Tokyo Marine Insurance Company
4 Fundimisa- Casting and Machining
5 Liberty Seguros
National medium-sized companies (from 100 to 999 employees)
2 Levvo
3 Tecnospeed Group
4 Supera Farma Laboratórios
5 Ephi
Medium multinational companies (from 100 to 999 employees)
1 e-Core
2 Visagio
3 Cisco
4 Hilton
5 Encourages
. Click here to check the list of the 150 best companies and more details of the study