The publication 50 women of impact in Latin America in 2024, published by Bloomberg Linea, includes 21 Brazilian representatives or those working in the country. They are professionals from the financial and technology areas, entrepreneurs, digital influencers and athletes, among others. The ranking is in its third edition. In addition to considering objective criteria, the list recognizes women who exert influence and are examples in their respective areas of activity.
See the list of 21 women of impact in Brazil:

Source: Bloomberg Linea
Among those chosen are Ana Cabral-Gardner, CEO and co-president of Sigma Lithium, Livia Chanes, who took over as CEO of Nubank at BBrazil in 2023, and Tarciana Medeiros, president of BB. Also on the list are athletes Bia Haddad, one of the most successful tennis players in the country, and Rayssa Leal, the youngest skateboarder to win the World Circuit, and the consultant Rachel Maia, president of the board of UN Global Compact in Brazil, among others.
To choose the names, the publication's editorial committee made up of journalists in different countries evaluated criteria such as leadership, impact on business and power of influence. The 50 personalities work in 14 countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.