Valuable executives are awarded

A total of 23 leaders were recognized, 12 for the first time, in distinction from the newspaper Valor Econômico recognized for the first time Redação Reputation Feed

Executivo de Valor _ Curadoria
Among the criteria evaluated by the jury composed of 14 consultancies is the market reputation of the leaders – Photo: Shutterstock

In its 23rd edition, the Executive of Valor recognition, from the VA newspapereconomic lor, awarded 23 leaders, 12 for the first time. Of the total of 23 elected, seven are women.

According to the rules, the best executives in 19 sectors of the economy and in four special categories were chosen: best executive at the head of a startup, best chairman of the board of directors, best young leadership and executive who most stood out in activities aimed at society.

The winners were chosen by a jury made up of 14 consultancies that make up the global association of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants. The choices were based on the company's performance in the previous year; ability of the CEO to implement management focused on innovation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion; its ability to adapt and reputation in the market.

The chosen ones are: Ricardo Mussa (Raízen), Andrea Rolim (Kimberly-Clark), Fernando Yunes (Mercado Livre), Virgilio Gibbon (Afya Educacional), André Dorf (Comerc Energia); Ricardo Ribeiro Valadares Gontijo (Directional), Roberto Jatahy (Grupo Soma), Malu Nachreiner (Bayer), Radamés Casseb (Aegea Infraestrutura), John Rodgerson (Azul Logística e Transportes), Harry Schmelzer Jr. (WEG Machinery and Equipment), Gustavo Werneck da Cunha (Gerdau Mining and Metallurgy - includes steelworks), Walter Schalka (Suzano Paper, Cardboard and Cellulose), Jeane Tsutsui (Grupo Fleury Saúde - includes Pharmaceutical Industry), Eduardo Giestas (Atlantica Hospital International ), Priscila Siqueira (Gympass), Milton Maluhy Filho (Itaú Unibanco), Christian Gebara (Telefônica Brasil), Francisco Gomes Neto (Embraer).

Ana Fontes (Rede Mulher Empreendedora), Social Entrepreneurship, Talita Lacerda (Petlove), Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello (Cosan), Carla Melhado (Mutant).


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