New skills contribute to reputation journey

Being a leader means managing situations that require a position on issues on society's agenda Mariana Mondini

Planning, method, study and discipline are important for the development of skills – Photo: Pexels

A leader's reputation journey is not usually linear, nor exactly as planned. It evolves day by day, in tune with the transformation of the world and society. If yesterday a C-level executive had essential attributes and skills to perform his role, today he needs to acquire new skills or strengthen others for which he had not dedicated himself or seen value until then.

Disruption in all areas, the networked world, collaboration and sharing bring multiple impacts on business

The business agenda, which until a few decades ago was focused on specific disciplines, such as the market, business, production and management, has now incorporated new themes that leaders must be aware of, especially based on the transformations brought about by the advancement of technology and, consequently, the way in which to relate to people.

We live in a new professional mindset, with the search for purpose, the appreciation of diversity, ESG criteria, the growth of behavioral economics and many other revolutions. The challenge increases with the complexity of our times. Being a leader today means leading the company in a context of constant changes and dealing with situations that require a position on issues on society's agenda.

Here are some of the skills leaders are looking to hone:


Leaders need to be prepared to review and re-plan their flight plans and engage their teams in complex and volatile contexts. For this reason, the specialist in organizational development and transformation Lynn Perry Wooten (co-author of the book The Prepared Leader: Emerge From Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before, Wharton School Press, September 2022) states that the leader needs to think of resilience as a muscle that must be permanently exercised, above all to get out of the defensive and act to find ways of growth even in times of crisis.


The word “empathy” comes from the Greek term empathizes, which meant “passion”, and presupposes understanding the other. Bringing it to the business environment, where there is an expectation of a close leader who is easily understood in his communication, being empathetic is knowing the interlocutor in depth, demonstrating that he understands his interests. What sensitivities? What language might be more suitable for understanding the communication?


It is not enough to be an expert in topics related to the business itself, because the leader is constantly called upon to take a stand. It is necessary to broaden the spectrum, to know topics ranging from technology, innovation and economics to ESG, an acronym that brings together environmental, social and governance issues. That last word is worth a few more lines, especially the “S” in the acronym, which speaks to diversity. Attitudes and expressions that could sound natural in the past are inappropriate today, and it is necessary to pay attention to this.


With digitization, the human being started to live in a much faster way. Time has become the most valuable thing people have. That is, being objective (without being superficial, simplistic or inconsistent) means ensuring greater attention from people and ensuring that the intended message arrives correctly.

The good news is that all these skills can be developed through planning, method, study and discipline. And, of course, being connected to a purpose worth sharing.

Mariana Mondini is a journalist and consultant for ANK Reputation


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