
  • Who we are
  • Miguel Setas: “Reputation, before being a risk, is an asset”
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025


Miguel Setas: “Reputação, antes de ser um risco, é um ativo”
11 MIN.

Miguel Setas: “Reputation, before being a risk, is an asset”

President of the mobility infrastructure giant, which impacts 100 million people per year, considers reputation an important topic on the agenda of the company's entire value chain

Christianne Schmitt

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Reputação como job description do líder
3 MIN.

Reputation as the leader's job description

Never before has the leader's reputation been such an important component in corporate strategy, brand management and business success.

By Jessica Paiva
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Reputação se constrói ao longo de gerações
3 MIN.

Reputation builds over generations

The challenge is to invest in good relationships with stakeholders, balancing return, risk and impact

By Bea Johannpeter
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Novas habilidades contribuem para jornada de reputação
3 MIN.

New skills contribute to reputation journey

Being a leader means managing situations that require a position on issues on society's agenda.

Mariana Mondini

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