
3 MIN.

Time to open the reputational umbrella to mitigate problems

Burberry faces poor results, fires CEO and brand value falls

By Christianne Schmitt

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Hora de abrir o guarda-chuva reputacional para mitigar problemas


Docile, uma receita familiar que ganha o mundo
8 MIN.

Docile, a family recipe that conquers the world

The Paris Olympics is the next stop for the candy and sweets company created by brothers Ricardo, Fernando and Alexandre Heineck, in Lajeado (RS), already present in more than 80 countries

Christianne Schmitt

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As empresas, seus líderes e as eleições 2024
5 MIN.

Companies, their leaders and the 2024 elections

ANK guidelines for image and reputation risk management in the electoral context

Reputation Feed Writing

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“Reputação é um dos elementos mais importantes, se não o mais importante, na matriz de risco das empresas
14 MIN.

“Reputation is one of the most important elements, if not the most important, in a company’s risk matrix”

Andiara Petterle, management advisor specializing in digital transformation and governance, points out spaces for evolution in management and the board to face global challenges, reputational risks and strengthen company value

Christianne Schmitt

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Crise climática no RS
4 MIN.

Climate crisis in RS

A set of recommendations from ANK Reputation helps companies and leaders to guide internal teams, as well as their institutional positioning, during the moment of crisis that the State is experiencing. read more


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