Administrative Council

  • Who we are
  • How advisors address reputation in the strategic agenda
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025

Administrative Council

Como os conselheiros tratam de reputação na agenda estratégica
6 MIN.

How advisors address reputation in the strategic agenda

Check out a summary of the main points from the series of interviews published in Reputation Feed with members of boards of directors

Reputation Feed Writing

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Osvaldo Schirmer: reputação se constrói com todos os stakeholders
7 MIN.

Osvaldo Schirmer: reputation is built with all stakeholders

Own and protected culture guarantees credibility for companies, says advisor who ends special series

Clovis Malta

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Leila Loria: conselho precisa de diversidade e alguém que já tenha passado por crise
8 MIN.

Leila Loria: board needs diversity and someone who has already been through a crisis

Third interviewee in the series with management advisors states that it is necessary to understand the interrelationships between all threats to companies

Christianne Schmitt

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Dan Ioschpe: Velocidade e complexidade impõem mais cuidado com reputação
9 MIN.

Dan Ioschpe: Speed and complexity require more care with reputation

In the second interview of the series with management advisors, a look at how to contribute and ensure reputation in organizations

Christianne Schmitt and Clovis Malta

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José Monforte: Stakeholders exigem reputação para serem leais às empresas
9 MIN.

José Monforte: Stakeholders require reputation to be loyal to companies

Series of interviews brings the perspectives of management counselors on the importance of reputational culture in organizations

Christianne Schmitt

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Qual deve ser o foco do board para melhorar a governança?
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

What should the board focus on to improve governance?

Seven important points for boards to focus on

Reputation Feed Writing

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“Reputação facilita diálogo e abre portas”, diz Celso Kiperman, executive chairman da +A Educação
8 MIN.

“Reputation facilitates dialogue and opens doors”, says Celso Kiperman, executive chairman of +A Educação

Businessman talks about the challenges of assuming the executive presidency of the Board of Directors

Christianne Schmitt

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A nova abordagem dos conselhos de administração sobre o impacto da reputação
2 MIN.

Boards' New Approach to Reputation Impact

Strategic forums begin to address the issue in a more explicit and systematic way

By Andiara Petterle
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Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter: “A reputação tem que ser trabalhada e tem que ter base para justificá-la”
7 MIN.

Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter: “Reputation has to be worked on and it has to have a basis to justify it”

Among the main names in Brazilian industry, one of Gerdau's controlling shareholders talks about the relationship between purpose, reputation and successful business

Christianne Schmitt

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Rogério Melzi: “Precisamos trabalhar a reputação nos anos de bonança”
7 MIN.

Rogério Melzi: “We need to work on reputation in good years”

Advisor and manager of companies in fundamental areas, such as education and health, talks about the perspectives in an adverse economic scenario and in a moment of polarization

Christianne Schmitt and Lucia Ritzel
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Alexandre Silva:
9 MIN.

Alexandre Silva: “You don't buy reputation or build it overnight. You have to earn it”

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Embraer talks about the importance of reputation for companies and their stakeholders

Lucia Ritzel

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5 ações de ESG para conselhos de administração
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

5 ESG actions for boards of directors

World Economic Forum article discusses how the board can ensure the acronym is included in everything the organization does

Reputation Feed Writing
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