Who doesn't feel insecure, with doubts, about how to act when being the target of fake news or organized virtual attacks? Fake news is a phenomenon on the internet, it spreads daily in posts and groups on social networks, dragging reputations, causing losses and suffering. Therefore, they are a permanent theme of the Editorial Board of RBS. How to face these situations and not become hostage to the cancel culture?
First, keep your communication up to date. Let people know who you are, what you believe in and where you're headed. Thus, you will have a reputation mattress for the difficult hours.
But do this carefully: avoid unnecessary controversial opinions or actions and be clear in your positions, do not give room for multiple interpretations.
Being a victim of fake news is a very distressing situation. It's natural to think that if we stay still, without reacting, we will prevent it from growing. In our hyperconnected society, this posture needs to be well evaluated in terms of its risks, because silence opens the door to doubt and leaves a trail of distortions or lies on Google for years. If the accusation is serious, don't let the accuser talk to himself. Talk to the silent majority, those who do not post comments on the networks, but are following everything and forming an opinion. Take a stand, the truth is very powerful.
You will need to have your own channels organized and functioning (they can be social networks, websites, online forums, spaces in the press, among others). Fake news and attacks orchestrated by haters have their strength in volume. Fight volume with force. Be objective and use the unquestionable force of the argument. And, above all, be agile. Timing is decisive to contain crises.
Let's be clear: fake news is neither funny nor innocent. It is not a position and much less a stimulus to constructive debate. It is created to harm people or institutions, with the aim of gaining advantage.
Act, not only to protect yourself, but also to not spread. Do not chance or share unconfirmed information. Like a pandemic of our age, this evil needs to be faced by all. And professional, quality journalism that represents multiple views of the facts and allows everyone to form their own opinion is an indispensable ally in the fight against misinformation.
Anik Suzuki is CEO of ANK Reputation
*Article published in the newspaper Zero Hora on August 27, 2022