Industry reinforces focus on eco-innovation

Almost half already have projects or formal action plans in this area, following the global trend

Reputation Feed Writing

The biggest challenge is the lack of qualified workers – Image: Shutterstock

Two themes directly associated with companies' reputation – innovation and attention to the environment – are on the radar of almost half of Brazilian industries. Although the pace of progress could already be greater, the speed of attention to the topic has accelerated, according to a study recently released by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Among the companies consulted, 47% stated that they had formal projects or action plans in eco-innovation. Changes occur both through new products or production processes, and through non-technological innovations, with marketing methods, organizational or institutional innovations.

The survey concludes that the biggest challenge for structuring eco-innovation in the industry is the lack of qualified workers to work with the topic. Budget restrictions, highlighted by 33%, are the main barrier to qualifying professionals to work with eco-innovation.

The same research reveals that 33% of companies have a formal action plan or projects underway in the area of digital transformation. In relation to this aspect, when asked about what strategy the company has adopted to fill skills gaps in promoting digital transformation, 75% of the interviewees mentioned staff training.

Eco-innovation, in the concept of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is innovation that results in the reduction of environmental impact. The trend is global and is promoting changes in companies' business models. Therefore, it has become fundamental for the construction of new sustainability and competitiveness parameters for the industrial sector, in Brazil and around the world.

The topic on the companies’ agenda
30% has a formal action plan/projects underway
28% carries out initial studies
17% has projects approved but not started
19% is not taking any action
Source: CNI

 Click here for more details about the research


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