Banks lead the ranking of valuable brands in the country

Nubank appears among the top 10 of Brand Dx 2023, once again led by Itaú

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Nubank, with a value of R$ 14.7 billion, is in sixth place, behind Itaú, BB, Bradesco, Caixa and Skol – Photo: Shutterstock

Among the six most valuable brands in the country according to the Brand Dx ranking, only one is not a financial institution: Skol, with a value of R$ 15.5 billion, which ranks fifth. Firstly, there is the Itau, which is the leader of the survey for the second consecutive year (R$ 44.2 billion), followed by Bank of Brazil (R$ 37.4 billion), Bradesco (R$ 33.5 billion) and Cash (R$ 26.4 billion). O Nubank appears in sixth, with R$ 14.7 billion brand value.

The list of the top ten out of a total of 100 is completed by Toyota (R$ 12 billion); The boticario (R$ 11.5 billion); Free market (R$ 11.2 billion) and, in tenth place, Renner Stores, with R$ 10.4 billion.

The sum of the 100 most valuable brands reached R$ 532 billion – an increase of 16% compared to the previous year's total, according to the Brand DX 2023 ranking. The survey is based on the future profit flows that can be generated by the brand, analyzes 4 thousand of them in 50 sectors of the economy, aggregates surveys with 25 thousand people and integrates 29 performance indicators.

. Click here to check out an analysis of the Vozes do Branding channel on YouTube and here to check the list in the magazine Quite&Message


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