Your company, an orchestra in tune

Cultivating a culture of reputation means practicing consistency and coherence between what the company says it does and what it does By Anik Suzuki

The reputation culture represents a link between all levels of the organization with the objective of building value

One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to business reputation is to believe that managing reputation is a necessity only in times of crisis. Or, even, that reputation management is for those who have a bad reputation or need to improve their image. Here at ANK, we've heard comments like 'Thank God my company doesn't need it' or 'I hope I never need it'. But, fortunately, there is a growing awareness of how much building a culture of reputation generates benefits, which raise the company to a new level of relationship with its different publics, boost results and, even, allow the creation of 'cost savings'. reputation', to defend the company in difficult times.

Cultivating a culture of reputation means that all levels of the organization share and act upon a system of norms, procedures, rituals and behaviors whose aim is to build long-term value for all stakeholders. It means practicing, day by day, consistency and coherence between what the company says it does and what it actually does in all dimensions, from the internal environment and choice of suppliers to customer service and good practices in relation to the environment. environment and to society. It means communicating clearly and transparently, including eventual failures, in order to build trusting relationships.

The culture of reputation makes the company an orchestra in tune. Once implemented, it reduces the risk of conflict between what the company offers and the expectations of its customers.

While aligning employees and partners with the organization's strategy. Where there is a vigorous reputation culture, people want to work, those who already work are proud to be there, the competition respects it, the market wants to associate itself, the press is a reference and customers trust.

There are different degrees of maturity of the reputation culture, and it is essential that leaders know how to identify which level the company is at. There are rare cases of very well-positioned companies, owners of excellent reputations, which do not enjoy the benefits because they are unaware of the professional management of culture based on reputation. And there's always time to start the journey and reap the opportunities generated by a culture of reputation shared across the organization. But the sooner the better.

Anik Suzuki is CEO of ANK Reputation


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