
  • Who we are
  • Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025


Reputação, o ativo invisível que faz toda a diferença
3 MIN.

Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference

A solid reputation that generates admiration and brings long-term results is essential in challenging years

By Thiago Coelho

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Inovação e criatividade sobem ao palco do SXSW
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

Innovation and creativity take the stage at SXSW

Global event discusses the transformative impact of technology on everyday life, from March 7 to 15, in Austin, United States

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IA que pode reforçar a credibilidade é tema em Davos
curated by ANK
3 MIN.

AI that can boost credibility is the topic at Davos

Transparency, ethics and responsibility are factors as important as technological innovation, say representatives of the World Economic Forum

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Novo índice da B3 foca em reputação
curated by ANK
2 MIN.

New B3 index focuses on reputation

iDiversa brings together companies listed on the Stock Exchange that stand out in terms of diversity

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O que realmente está em jogo na jornada de investimento
3 MIN.

What is really at stake in the investment journey

Funds seek attributes beyond financial return when choosing investees

By Mauricio Sirotsky Neto
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Avanço da Inteligência Artificial acende debate sobre riscos à reputação
7 MIN.

Advancement of Artificial Intelligence sparks debate on reputational risks

Experts warn of the necessary care in the use of the technological tool by companies

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Reputação como job description do líder
3 MIN.

Reputation as the leader's job description

Never before has the leader's reputation been such an important component in corporate strategy, brand management and business success.

By Jessica Paiva
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Regulação e educação
2 MIN.

Regulation and education

The challenge is to find ways, without restricting freedom of thought, to contain excesses and distortions in demonstrations spread over the internet and social networks

By Jayme Sirotsky

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O que você precisa saber sobre ameaças reputacionais para proteger sua empresa
3 MIN.

What you need to know about reputational threats to protect your business

Preventive measures and contingency plans are strategic

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