climate changes

  • Who we are
  • ESG is a requirement for investors, as it reduces risks and indicates a positive reputation
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo

climate changes

ESG é uma exigência dos investidores, pois reduz riscos e indica reputação positiva
7 MIN.

ESG is a requirement for investors, as it reduces risks and indicates a positive reputation

Vice-president of Firjan CIRJ Marco Saltini, coordinator of the working group on the topic, highlights climate, diversity and inclusion as current priorities

Clovis Malta

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Atuação das empresas no Katrina é referência para ajuda a vítimas da enchente
6 MIN.

Companies' actions in Katrina are a reference for helping flood victims

Almost two decades later, mistakes and successes in New Orleans still serve to guide the private sector in helping victims in Rio Grande do Sul

Reputation Feed Writing

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