artificial intelligence

  • Who we are
  • What will your reputation be in the age of Artificial Intelligence?
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo

artificial intelligence

Qual será sua reputação na era da Inteligência Artificial?
4 MIN.

What will your reputation be in the age of Artificial Intelligence?

Pros and cons of new technology affect us all and how regulation can make it beneficial in Brazil

By Carol Conway

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Scarlett Johansson esquenta debate ético em torno de IA generativa
2 MIN.

Scarlett Johansson heats up ethical debate around generative AI

Actress claims that ChatGPT's talking robot imitated her voice, and OpenAI announces model suspension

Reputation Feed Writing

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Confortável na zona de desconforto
3 MIN.

Comfortable in the discomfort zone

Lessons from record holders in marathons that apply to professional journalism and as a reflection for leaders in times of transformation

By Anik Suzuki

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Tecnologia entre benefícios e riscos à reputação
3 MIN.

Technology between benefits and risks to reputation

Companies must protect customer data and ensure the best possible use of solutions

By Leandro Balbinot
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Avanço da Inteligência Artificial acende debate sobre riscos à reputação
7 MIN.

Advancement of Artificial Intelligence sparks debate on reputational risks

Experts warn of the necessary care in the use of the technological tool by companies

Reputation Feed Writing
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Inteligência Artificial cria alertas para a reputação de empresas e líderes
3 MIN.

Artificial Intelligence creates alerts for the reputation of companies and leaders

ChatGPT provokes reflection on the limits of its use and the risks for companies and their leaders

By Renata Afonso
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