
  • Who we are
  • People, technology and reputation in business strategy
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025


Pessoas, tecnologia e reputação na estratégia dos negócios
3 MIN.

People, technology and reputation in business strategy

Companies and leaders that anticipate trends and act strategically have a competitive advantage

By Telmo Costa

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Reputação da Dell é a reputação pessoal do fundador, diz presidente da empresa no Brasil
3 MIN.

Dell's reputation is the founder's personal reputation, says company president in Brazil

Diego Puerta states that the brand image is based on the relationship with customers and the quality and consistency of delivery

Christianne Schmitt

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A nova abordagem dos conselhos de administração sobre o impacto da reputação
2 MIN.

Boards' New Approach to Reputation Impact

Strategic forums begin to address the issue in a more explicit and systematic way

By Andiara Petterle
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Como o estilo de decisão pode se refletir na reputação do líder
5 MIN.

How the decision style can be reflected in the reputation of the leader

Discover among 5 profiles – adventurer, detective, listener, thinker and visionary – which one is closest to yours

Reputation Feed Writing
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Por que reputação é estratégica em momentos difíceis
5 MIN.

Why reputation is strategic in tough times

Crises are part of the trajectory of companies, but those with a strong reputation survive and grow

Lucia Ritzel
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O que você precisa saber sobre ameaças reputacionais para proteger sua empresa
3 MIN.

What you need to know about reputational threats to protect your business

Preventive measures and contingency plans are strategic

Reputation Feed Writing
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Frio na barriga, brilho nos olhos e a alegria de contar histórias de reputação
2 MIN.

Butterflies in your stomach, twinkle in your eyes and the joy of telling reputation stories

Reputation Feed content platform encourages reputation culture in the country

By Christianne Schmitt
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