
  • Who we are
  • “You build a reputation by doing, but also by talking”
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo


“Reputação você constrói fazendo, mas também falando
6 MIN.

“You build a reputation by doing, but also by talking”

Grazielle Parenti, VP of Sustainability at Syngenta, highlights the power of communication to enhance positive perception and promote engagement

Christianne Schmitt

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O que realmente está em jogo na jornada de investimento
3 MIN.

What is really at stake in the investment journey

Funds seek attributes beyond financial return when choosing investees

By Mauricio Sirotsky Neto
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