
  • Who we are
  • Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference
4 MIN.

CEOs choose people development and management as their number 1 priority in 2025

An unprecedented study by ANK Reputation shows companies' priority areas, the role of reputation in the organization's strategy, the biggest risks to business and what keeps senior leadership awake at night

Reputation Feed Writing

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CEOs elegem o desenvolvimento e a gestão de pessoas como prioridade número 1 em 2025


Reputação, o ativo invisível que faz toda a diferença
3 MIN.

Reputation, the invisible asset that makes all the difference

A solid reputation that generates admiration and brings long-term results is essential in challenging years

By Thiago Coelho

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Reputação nos leva a um lugar com menos distorções
2 MIN.

Reputation takes us to a place with less distortion

Living in society and with a good image is a challenge in times of social media

By Michel Z. Gralha

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Natura e Luiza Trajano mantêm liderança em ranking de reputação no Brasil
curated by ANK
1 MIN.

Natura and Luiza Trajano maintain leadership in reputation ranking in Brazil

Spanish consultancy survey considers corporate reputation indicators in 2022

Reputation Feed Writing
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Um espaço para valorizar quem lidera e inspira
One to One
2 MIN.

A space to value those who lead and inspire

ANK launches Reputation Feed, a content platform created to encourage a culture of reputation in Brazil

By Anik Suzuki
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