
  • Who we are
  • How the decision style can be reflected in the reputation of the leader
6 MIN.

Transformative leader connects traditional companies to the new world

Transitioning from one model to another requires self-awareness, new behaviors, skills and strategies on how to apply them, says author of book on the changes

Clovis Malta

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Líder transformador conecta empresas tradicionais ao novo mundo


Como o estilo de decisão pode se refletir na reputação do líder
5 MIN.

How the decision style can be reflected in the reputation of the leader

Discover among 5 profiles – adventurer, detective, listener, thinker and visionary – which one is closest to yours

Reputation Feed Writing
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Como uma chuva de granizo pode inspirar a sua vida?
One to One
3 MIN.

How can a hailstorm inspire your life?

The fall in the career can happen much faster than the rise. The challenge is to stay on top.

By Anik Suzuki
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