One of the most traditional rankings in the country, the Valor 1000 of 2023 awarded the 26 companies and the bank elected as the best in their sectors of activity in a ceremony, held in São Paulo, this Monday (28/8). A Gerdau was recognized as the best among all, the so-called Value Company, and the Itaú Unibanco, the champion of the financial sector.
See below the 26 sector champions (in alphabetical order, depending on the sector):
• Agribusiness: ComigO
• Water, sanitation and environmental services: sanepar
• Food and drinks: Ambev
• Bioenergy: BP Bunge
• Wholesale and foreign trade: sotreq
• Retail business: RaiaDrogasil
• Construction and engineering: Thousandls
• Education: AfyThe
• Electronics: Intelbrto the
• Real estate developments: Cury
• Electricity: CPFL
• Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics: Group NW
• fashion industry: Ren Storesner
• Construction and finishing materials: Dexco
• Mechanics: Kuhn
• Metallurgy and steelmaking: Gerdau
• Mining: OK
• Paper And Cellulose: Suzano
• Oil and Gas:Shell
• Plastics and rubber: Tiger
• Chemistry and petrochemistry: Fertipair
• Specialized services: B3
• Medical services: Fleury Group
• IT & Telecom: TIM
• Transport and logistics: CCR
• Vehicles and parts: Randoncorp
In relation to the previous ranking, Randoncorp, Ambev, B3, shell, suzano, Tiger, TIM and Vale remained among the sectoral champions. Furthermore, according to the publication, the separation of the former mining and metallurgy sector into two categories made the comparison of companies more precise and coherent, leaving the leader Gerdau in the segment, which won the recognition of Company of Value 2023. And, in the sector of banks, for the second time in a row, Itaú Unibanco was the winner due to the scores obtained in the set of indicators.
According to the publication, the collection, processing, tabulation and analysis of data involves professionals from the Valor Econômico newspaper, in partnership with Serasa Experian and the Center for Finance Studies from the São Paulo School of Business Administration at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGVCef/EAESP/FGV-SP).
. Click here to check the indicators and scores of companies in the 26 sectors of activity.
. Click here to check the ranking of the 1000 maiors.