Artificial Intelligence creates alerts for the reputation of companies and leaders

ChatGPT provokes reflection on the limits of its use and the risks for companies and their leaders By Renata Afonso

If used improperly, Artificial Intelligence can undermine the building of a brand’s credibility – Photo: Shutterstock

I asked ChatGPT to write an article about the extent to which Artificial Intelligence can impact the reputation of a company and its leaders, positively or negatively. Let's say, then, that the content of this text was generated in a few seconds, from algorithms that resort to information stored on the net to elaborate a minimally convincing answer to a specific question like the one I formulated.

“Artificial Intelligence will not replace us as long as ethics remains our hallmark.”

Or rather: I challenge readers to distinguish in this text what was written by me and what results from phrases recycled by robots. I want to make it clear, from the beginning, that I am very grateful to chatbots for their collaboration on a daily basis. The Artificial Intelligence that drives these inventions can indeed contribute to improving processes, providing customized solutions, strengthening links with stakeholders, as long as it is well implemented and in tune with the company's purpose. But it will not replace us as long as ethics remains a characteristic of us, of humans, of leaders who consider it non-negotiable to care for the perception of organizations in the eyes of others.

Yes, because in practice, Artificial Intelligence does not just act as a kind of good technological being, in seductive conversations with customers, diagnosing illnesses, elaborating complex projects, facilitating heavy work in the industry, composing music or playing chess. As Meredith Broussard, a recognized researcher in this area at New York University and author of books on the subject, warns us, we should never assume that computers – or those who program them – always do the right thing.

Universities have been resuming oral exams, fearing undetectable fraud, and there is a race for tools to determine whether texts like this one were generated in whole or in part by Artificial Intelligence – are you able to discern? Prejudiced approaches, terribly fake news and erroneous judgments have shown the potential to destroy personal and corporate reputations, often leading to cruel outcomes, in the same speed required for the preparation of an article. So, leaders, pay attention to the threats in this futuristic scenario, which is already in place.

Ensuring credibility for a company and trust in the brand is a construction that involves essentially human skills. Artificial Intelligence can be a lever in this process. For this, it must be programmed correctly and transparently. If AI is used to make discriminatory or unfair decisions, it could damage the reputation of the company and its leaders.

In this text, the differences between my writing style and that of the GPT are subtle. As a precaution, I checked all the information used. But, as these technological systems have their uses multiplied, with “AI solutionism” permeating different areas of an organization, it is important to be clear that it will not always be possible to hold them responsible for possible damages, such as reputational ones. At least, as long as these innovations are under our command.

Renata Afonso is CEO/General Manager and Board Member

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