Leaders' Priorities 2025

Digital transformation and technological updating are pillars of companies' survival and are the focus of leaders in organizations in the country. And, reaffirming what should be the essence of all companies, these priorities are centered on people, as they are seen by managers as inseparable from human skills to manage and apply them strategically, as the survey points out “Top leadership priorities for 2025”, recently released by ANK Reputation.
“There is a new mindset that is focused on solutions, not just diagnostics. When leaders recognize their own influence and responsibility in business dynamics, they create an environment that is more conducive to effective and innovative solutions.”
The survey shows that leaders' priorities for the year are divided into three main pillars: people, in aspects such as culture, development and retention; business transformation, with technological updates and digital transformation; and reputation and brand, to ensure the future. It is clear, in the view of managers and senior executives, that companies cannot follow a sustainable path without the integration of these fronts and that, at the base of them, there is something in common, which is people.
Personally, I consider the attitude of the leaders who expressed themselves in the study to be extremely positive, as they gave greater weight to the variables that are under their responsibility, instead of pointing to external factors beyond their control. This positioning demonstrates maturity and the capacity for self-accountability on the part of those in charge of our companies. As a result, leaders focus on what they can transform within their organizations.
This sense of self-accountability is a clear sign of the evolution of the leadership and business management model in the country. It demonstrates a new mentality in development that is oriented towards resolution and progress, not just diagnostics. When leaders take responsibility and recognize their own influence on business dynamics, they change both themselves and their surroundings, creating an environment based on the reality of facts and more conducive to the search for effective and innovative solutions.
In the same way, I saw myself and my partner, Claudio Carrara, and the company's leaders, when I found out, in the survey, that responsible optimism defines the tone of the interviewees when the subject is 2025. The challenges will be great, but so will the opportunities. Each achievement makes us even more prepared for the next step. Those who know how to anticipate trends and act strategically will have an important competitive advantage. The path is already known: invest in people, accelerate digital transformation and strengthen corporate reputation.
Telmo Costa is founder and CEO of Goal, a Brazilian innovation and technology company
The signed articles reflect the opinion of the authors